Memory of Water

There’s a saying: “As above, so below; as below, so above.”

I like to believe that the stars above align with the sea stars below. I always figured it’s impossible to reach the stars in the sky, so I decided instead to wish upon stars from the ocean. I would collect any stars I found from the stars in the beach, put them in jars, and hang them from the ceiling of my room. That way, every night I’d be able to look up and see stars in the sky.

However, I came to realize the more I kept wishing, the harder it was for my wishes to come true. I learned in order for anything to manifest, I had to first let it go; if I held on too tightly, it would never come true. I took all the stars I collected and put them back into the ocean, not expecting my wish to come true, but hoping that maybe by letting these stars go, we both may be free. I can be free from my wish, and they can be free from me.

What was amazing, is that when I let my stars go, I was able to see stars shine for the first time.

Memory of Water is a series of artworks, meant to be taken as reflection. Originally, it is a remake of older artworks that is recreated with the skills I have now. Each shows growth; whether it be artistic or emotional growth. Intended to be taken as if I’m looking back in the past, looking at my own reflection – similar to the properties of water. Below, you’ll find a couple before & afters that illustrate this concept.

Staryu & Starmie

Staryu & Starmie was originally about a wish I wanted to make. All I could do to experience the outside world was from the inside of my own room. The newer version illustrates the freedom of letting go. It’s a continuation of the original, of now being able to let go of that wish, and the freedom of life that comes with it.

Seaking & Goldeen

With Seaking & Goldeen, it was about seeing a situation with rose-tinted glasses, being trapped behind an invisible wall, unable to interact. Thinking I was content, but actually wasn’t. The newer version illustrates the Seaking & Goldeen being free, no longer trapped in a jar, and instead of seeing the world in rose-tinted glasses, are instead surrounded by rose-quartz crystals  – representing unconditional love.

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