“Kami Kami Zorua” is a Pokemon alternate universe inspired by my original tale and artwork, “Kami Kami.” This narrative revolves around the profound love between a fox spirit and a young boy, who make a promise to reunite when the fox spirit is reborn as a human. The letters within this artwork serve as a means of communication across dimensions and lifetimes, conveying the deep sentiments they wish to express. The swords symbolize the manifestation of their love, eternally guiding them back to each other.
“Kami Kami Zorua” is a Pokemon alternate universe inspired by my original tale and artwork, “Kami Kami.” This narrative revolves around the profound love between a fox spirit and a young boy, who make a promise to reunite when the fox spirit is reborn as a human. The letters within this artwork serve as a means of communication across dimensions and lifetimes, conveying the deep sentiments they wish to express. The swords symbolize the manifestation of their love, eternally guiding them back to each other.
$5.50Original price was: $5.50.$4.50Current price is: $4.50.
“Kami Kami Zorua” is a Pokemon alternate universe inspired by my original tale and artwork, “Kami Kami.” This narrative revolves around the profound love between a fox spirit and a young boy, who make a promise to reunite when the fox spirit is reborn as a human. The letters within this artwork serve as a means of communication across dimensions and lifetimes, conveying the deep sentiments they wish to express. The swords symbolize the manifestation of their love, eternally guiding them back to each other.
$25.99Original price was: $25.99.$21.99Current price is: $21.99.
Hisian Zorua illustration based off of my original work “Kami Kami”. The Kanjis ‘Paper God’ on the front. The story is about a spirit and a human who gave up their original wish in order to be together.
$25.99Original price was: $25.99.$21.99Current price is: $21.99.
Shiny Zorua illustration based off of my original work “Kami Kami”. The Kanjis ‘Paper God’ on the front. The story is about a spirit and a human who gave up their original wish in order to be together.